Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 3:38 AM Gen - Happy Halloween!
Boy, it's been a busy busy weekend... what with all the partying and stuff!
Was going to go on the 98.7fm party bus, but Kev, our "manager" told us too late, so couldn't get costumes... =P
Shyanne invited us (read: me, nat and some boys) to Coco Latte on Saturday for the halloween party... and we had like, tons of fun...
When nat, shyanne and I get together... well... lesbian-esque mayhem occurs!!! muwahahaha... I don't have all the pics, so shy and nat, please add more pics ya... they are absolutely scandalous...
After a few doses of Shyanne and her mah~verlous boobs (and copious amounts of halloween shooters), we headed over to the dance floor...
That's downstairs... now upstairs... there's poles... and poles mean only one thing...
We danced and danced and danced until we got shoved off the pole... by... the Gingerbread Man~ who proceeded to hump a lobster passing by... oh... the humanity~
And then... there was the hot fairy, chun li, office lady and many other scantily clad girls that night...
I do wonder... is halloween just another excuse to dress as slutty as possible?