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this is the home of the fhm girls-next-door, where you can keep track of events and feast your eyes on visual candy. and do remember to play nice.

wanna drop us a mail?


Monday, September 25, 2006 at 12:52 AM
Bell - Phew!

Hey guys! Finally managed to login. Wednesday was great fun! Thanks guys for all your support. It was fun working with the girls. Oh. In case you guys forgot our names, its Noraine, Gen, Ryn and Bell.

Response was great that day, all the guys were sporting and join in the fun, making it a great success. I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves, drinking talking and playing great games along with us! I know monkey enjoyed himself tremendously.

I'm pretty sure all the girls would agree. One of my favourite game: the baby bottle drinking game! It was so cute seeing you guys drink from a bottle with your "daddies" feeding lovingly. Awwwww.... so sweet.... =D And the best part, sticking fhm stickers on the guy! I know you love it, dont deny.

Will check in again sometime soon!



Sunday, September 24, 2006 at 11:59 AM
Noraine - Morning After

Good morning kittens, wow.. it was really unexpected that our very 1st tour @ Tiger Brewery House turned out so well huh? Lolx...

Well, it was pretty amazing how good the 2 groups of guys from N.T.U. and Pasir Lebar Camp could drink!! I was soooo impressed man.. ( drools..... ) I was glad that the bunch of guys I brought on the tour with Genevieve made things go so smoothly for us, I thought of the opposite initially but things turned out to be going great! I really do hope that the next upcoming events that we're gonna do will turn out this fantastic as well.. simply by looking at those pictures you would know how much fun we had that night.. hahahah..

Norman made a lasting good first impression on me cause he was such a sport! He's a good " 5, 10 " khaki to have fun with and when it comes to the drinking part... whoa... Its THUMBS UP for both Norman and Monkey!! See in the pictures? One in black and the other in white stripes holding the jug of ABC Stout? THEY'RE THE MAN!!... hahah.. ( ok, stop getting so excited.. )

well for that night, if I had a choice to give out " The Best Sport & Team Player " award, it would definitely go to the guy that had to finish a Half-Yard, plus taking of his shirt and allowing us to stick our very own FHM stickers all over him... hehehe.... boy oh boy.... keep it up mate!

Did I say so much already? well till the next time when we get together again.. but for now, I'm outta here.. lotsa kisses...... (",)



Thursday, September 21, 2006 at 1:25 AM
Gen - Tiger Beer Anyone?

Whoa... i'm pooped... it's been a night of boys and beer... I'll just let the photos speak for themselves~



Monday, September 18, 2006 at 11:05 PM
Gen - Numero Uno

Hey all... first post! It's been a long and hectic week going to APB and doing training... smelt brewing beer until i think i might just get sick!

more posts and pics coming up from the other girls soon!


